Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Newport Beach 2010

Nothing like the Beach, Disneyland and good food to make us all happy and renewed. Newport Beach is what I call a perfect vacation. What a great way to kick off summer.


katie riggs said...

What fun pics!! So much fun! Why does it go by so fast?? :( I agree, perfect vacation.

Mandee said...

Ahhhh Heaven. I'm so jealous. Love that pic of Andy on the beach. And I love the Corner Bakery, and Pacific Whey. We'll have to try those others. Looks like so much fun with your family!

Marianne said...

Looks like a party!!! LOVE the pictures!

Jennifer Napierski said...

Looks like an amazing trip with your family. And you all look happy and smiling even after a trip with 4 kids. Steph how do you look so beautiful all the time? It's just not fair. I would maybe consider another baby if I didn't look like a 'biggest loser contestant' for years after. You just glow and you are even eating ginormous ice cream cones!! Avery's hair is so blonde. Can't wait to see all of you! Even though it's been forever I still feel so close to you guys.

Heather's Blog said...

Of course I'm jealous of all the beach pictures of your kids. Who takes those? That you, or Dave? They are good. Looks like a fun vacation!