My dad took this beautiful picture
We just got back from a fabulous Thanksgiving in good old Arizona. So fun. We took the kids down the weekend before so we could spend more time with family and make the hideously long drive worth it. Sadly, I got sick the first five days we were there and had no voice. It was my kids best Thanksgiving ever. Why is it when I finally get a vacay I get sick? Anyway, I was spoiled and loved every minute of it.
Usually Thanksgiving is a big production on my part and I'm cooking and baking for two days. This one was awesome! All I had to make was creamed corn. Weird. I didn't know what to do with myself. I was spoiled. Dave and Chandy cooked our turkey in the neighborhood BBQ pit the whole night before which turned out to be... interesting. Aaron stuck his gross feathery bones in my mashed potatoes while I was feasting which I think tainted the wonderful BBQ turkey experience. I still haven't decided about the BBQ turkey. . . love you Dave and Chandy. But everything was delicious. Katie even insisted on making Mom's pie crust for the pumpkin pies. Good job, Kate!
We weren't planning on staying as long as we did but I was so glad. My Dad wanted to drive back with us and he couldn't until Friday so we decided to wait. Dave left us the day after Thanksgiving for a week so I would have had to take that drive alone. What a pair we were . . . a seizure victim and a half blind old guy (love you, Dad). We made it!
Our days were filled with eating, lounging, playing in the sandbox, swinging, swimming, eating, setting up Katie's Facebook, eating, visiting, playing with cousins, shopping, eating, helping Katie set up her blog, chasing dogs, playing cards and eating. Not every family wants to spend time together but thankfully mine does. I am spoiled. Aaron always gives me guilt for living so far away and I always roll my eyes and say leave me alone. But it's nice to know I'm loved. I love my family. And there's not a whole lot of time left to be able to drop everything and leave for two weeks so I'm glad this time we did. It was so worth it.

The Sibs, minus one

Avery wasn't interested in getting in the picture

My dad the pirate

Our attempt at the nativity with five toddlers. Not bad.

Fun at the park

All the cousins

Andie's absolute favorite thing. . . next to swimming

Three adult men. . .

My little brother Aaron. Isn't he precious?

Andie in an underwater photo

Alex's turn

Yay, for Arizona in December! Thanks ,Dad.